Club Travel 預留機位套票

非常感謝您對我們的旅遊產品感興趣, 我們希望獲取有關您的預訂要求

請填寫以下預訂表格 , 以便我們為您量身定制您的個人旅行行程並進行預訂

Thank you for your interest in our travel products, we would like to hear about your booking requirements.

Please fill out the booking form below so that we can tailor your personal travel itinerary and book for you

客人姓名和個人資料 (須與旅遊證件上資料相同)/ Customer Name & information (Must same as Travel Document)

姓名 / Name *

性別 / Gender *

出生日期 / Date of Birth *

護照號碼 / Passport Number *

1. 價格僅供參考,可能不時出現變更而不作另行通知。
2. 所有預訂均視乎供應情況而定。
3. 直至我們發出正式的預訂確認, 你的預訂並未被確認。本報價單並不構成我們出售的義務。
4. 客戶一經預訂,不可更改,取消或改期。

Quotation Terms
1. Prices are for reference only and may change from time to time without notice.
2. All reservations are subject to availability.
3. Your booking is not confirmed until we issue an official booking confirmation. This quotation does not constitute an obligation for us to sell.
4. Once the reservation is made, it cannot be changed, cancelled or rescheduled.