Commercial Group Achiever Trip - Osaka 2024Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.非常感謝您對我們的旅遊產品感興趣, 我們希望獲取有關您的預訂要求 請填寫以下預訂表格 , 以便我們為您量身定制您的個人旅行行程並進行預訂 Thank you for your interest in our travel products, we would like to hear about your booking requirements. Please fill out the booking form below so that we can tailor your personal travel itinerary and book for you 客人姓名和個人資料(須與旅遊證件上資料相同) / Customer Name & information (Must same as Travel Document) 英文姓氐/English Last Name *性別 / Gender *男 / Male女 / Female護照種類 / Passport Type *英文名字/English First Name *出生日期 *DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MM123456789101112YYYY20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920護照號碼 / Passport number *中文姓名/ Chinese Name *國籍 / Nationality *護照有效日期 / Passport expiry date **如非特區護照持有人,請自行申請有效日本簽證 / If you are not a SAR passport holder, please apply for a valid Japan visa on your own arrangement *請確保旅遊證件有效期回程日期計須達六個月以上 / Please ensure the validity period on passport must be more than six months from the date of return *請確保旅遊證件有效,如有問題後果自負 / It is your responsibility to ensure passport are valid 員工號碼 / Staff ID: *公司電郵 / Company Email (只供聯絡用途 / For communication purpose) *聯絡手機電話 / Contact Mobile number *緊急聯絡人 / Emergency Contact person *緊急聯絡電話 / Emergency Contact No. *與緊急聯絡人關係 / Relationship *同行房友英文姓名(如有) / English Name of Roommate ( if any ):同行房友員工號碼 (如有)/ Roommate Staff ID ( if any ):特別要求 / Special Request要求單人房 (視乎情況而定) / Request Single Room (Subject to available of hotel room)素食人士 / Vegetarian食物過敏 / Food Allergic*單人房要求會產生價差(每位港幣HKD2,250),詳情請等待我們的回覆 *Single Room requirements will result in a price difference(HK$2,250 per person), Please wait for our reply for final confirmation食物過敏詳情 / Food Allergic Detail *健康狀況(TBC) / Health Conditions (TBC)備註欄 (如有其他附加要求) / Remarks (if there are other special requirements)*必須填寫 / *Mandatory Checkboxes *本人確認已閱讀、理解和接受(如適用)Club Travel網站的一般條款及細則,Club Travel的個人資料收集聲明/ I confirm to have read, understood and accepted (as applicable) the general General Terms and Conditions of the Club Travel website, The Personal Information Collection Statement of Club Travel .個人資料收集聲明 [連結]/ Personal Information Collection Statement [Link] Club Travel一般條款及細則 [連結]/ General Terms and Conditions [Link] Submit 2024-04-03